Feed Revolution @Bharat

Our organization aims to revolutionize the animal nutrition sector by implementing novel technologies, and processes. Our focus is sharply on modernizing the Indian feed supply chain with firm belief that farmers are entrepreneurs that need to be  provided with targeted solutions.

Feed Revolution @Bharat

Our organisation aims to revolutionise the animal nutrition sector by implementing novel technologies, and processes. Our focus is sharply on modernising the Indian feed supply chain with firm belief that farmers are entrepreneurs that need to be  provided with targeted solutions.

POSHAN 10000

Poshan 10000 is our flagship cattle feed product under our Poshan brand. Poshan 10000 is  the best quality Type II nutritious feed at the most affordable price point. Poshan 10000 uses the best quality and locally sourced raw material with the most scientific and balanced feed formulation that will ensure increased milk production with high protein and fat content.

Why GOCARIN animal feed?

Our feed formulation will help farmers to maximize the nutrient value for their animals, and allow them to generate wealth out of animal husbandry.

Active Minerals & Vitamin

Optimum mix of active minerals and vitamins for healthy cows.

Better Reproductive Growth

Scientific feed formulation ensure a healthy reproductive cycle for cattle.

High Protein Content

Contains a rich source of protein content for milk formation.

More Milk Fat

Ensures high milk yield with high fat content in each milching.

Talking about us

Here are the testimonials of our customers reaffirming our commitment for balanced and scientific feed.

“जब से हमने गोकेरिन का पोषण 10000 उपयोग किया है तब से हमारा दूध गाढ़ा और ज्यादा आ रहा है”

विकास, बांकुड़ा

“गोकेरिन बाजार में उपलब्ध सबसे अच्छा फ़ीड है। मैं सभी को अपने मवेशियों के लिए इसका उपयोग करने की सलाह देती हूं।”

उषा, पशुपालक

Best feed for your Cows In the market with high quality and best price
